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Time is Money!

Quick Turn Around

Fast and efficient services to get your building permit quicker.

Save Money

     We understand that time is money.  With our quick turnaround time, permits are approved faster so you can get your projects completed sooner.

Peace of Mind

There's no middle man. You communicate directly with us to complete the permit process, so you can get your projects completed sooner

Hawaii's Trusted Third Party Residential Reviewer

We are Hawaii’s first qualified Third Party Residential Reviewers who are certified by the City & County of Honolulu to review building permit plans for building code compliance. Fully knowledgeable in LUOs, IRC, and Zoning Codes, APAC, LLC can dramatically decrease the wait time in obtaining a residential building permit.  We work directly with our clients to coordinate and
insure concurrence with all codes, rules, and regulations. Hardcopy plans as well as electronic files may be submitted to be reviewed.

Why Third Party Review?

By hiring a licensed third-party reviewer to manage the permitting process, homeowners significantly expedite the approval process for their building permit. A third-party reviewer is responsible for ensuring each aspect of the building plan complies with state code, in addition to acquiring all necessary permits. Furthermore, a third-party review maintains another key advantage—unlike a one-time review, builders maintain the option to negotiate with inspectors and the DPP over proposed changes and corrections.

While a third-party review does add an additional cost to your building budget, finding the right third-party reviewer for your project can save significant amounts of time and money, especially since a third-party review can often be completed within a few weeks.

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